This post has been a long time comin'! I feel a bit guilty for not writing it sooner but as I mentioned in my last post I've been so busy! Nevertheless, I finally made the time to sit down and and write down the secrets to how I grew out my hair super fast!
But firs, I want to give you a semi-quick run through of my hair history because.. well, I simply feel compelled to do so and I want a pitty party for all the tragedies my locks have gone through!... If you simply don't care and want to skip through all this and get down to the nitty gritty, feel free to scroll down to the the bold How To Grow Long Hair Fast section.. no hurt feelings :)
I always had long hair growing up, up until 7th grade when I chopped it off to my shoulders and like most girls I immediately regretted it. I let it grow a few inches down but would get trims often which would keep the length just below my shoulders. Three years after that I went through the worst hair experience ever! I went in for a trim and came out with hair up to my ears, to say the least! I felt like a boy! Seriously, worst experience ever- I cried!
(...skipping the oh-so tragic stories of the times I fried my hair with an extra-strength relaxer, bleached my hair to look like Ronald McDonald, and ripped off plenty of hair from extensions)
Four years later my hair finally grew out to my mid-back and I was so happy! Then, I got that sudden urge we all seem to get once our hair finally grows out, and I cut it.. short. Into an A-Line Bob to be exact. Granted it was longer than your typical A-Line Bob but it was still very short. Although I liked it for the time being, I once again missed my long hair and swore not to cut it short ever again! I went on a quest to find all the possibles ways to grow my hair out in the fastest time possibly, and I did just that!
I buckled down, did my research (lots and lots of research!), set a regimen, and followed it precisely.. and you wanna know what happened? My hair began growing from 1/4 of an inch to a full inch a month! Yup, you read right- a full inch! Hair typically grows about 1/4 of an inch to 1/2 of an inch a month and I was more than doubling that growth! I can't even begin to tell you how ecstatic I was!
So now I'm passing my secrets to you (or maybe not so secretive-secrets). I just want to throw a disclaimer out there and say that although I am a beauty junkie, I am by no means a hair professional, this is simply what has worked for myself and the few others I have advised to do so. Get it? Got it? Good!
Now, without further ado here are my secrets to
1. Single most important step in this hair growing regimen is to take your pills. You will need to take..
-5000mg Biotin (this is the max that your body can absorb)
-Prenatals (yes you read that right, even if you're not preggos.. I promise you it's perfectly safe)
-3000mg Fish Oils
- Optional: Folic Acid (I did not take these with my regimen but I have heard they are great for hair growth)
2. Second most important advice to follow is to not trim your hair so often! Ok, I need to elaborate on this quite a bit so let me try to brake this down for you. If you're following your regimen and your hair starts growing 1inch/month and you get a trim ever 6-8 weeks like recommended, your stylist will more than likely be cutting off that extra inch you just worked so hard to grow. I have yet to meet a hair stylist that will only cut 1/2 an inch when asked to.. we've all been there, we ask for a trim and get inches cut off.. they just can't do it they get too scissor happy! I can assure you, they will be cutting off most, if not all your new hair growth.
Every time I asked friends of mine, "How did you grow out your hair?" I always got the same answer- "I didn't cut my hair." It's that simple. Now, women all over the world will argue that getting frequent trims helps your hair grow but that is a lie that has been fed to us from the get-go! The fact that cutting off our dead ends send some type of "magical signal" to our roots to grow is complete bogus. It does't! What it does do is it promotes healthy hair growth which means that you will be cutting off your split ends so that your hair's not growing all split-endy and ugly whatnot. But, you should be taking care of your hair in the first place to prevent your hair from splitting so that you don't have to get trims as often (I'll be writing a separate post on how to keep your hair healthy while growing it out). I recommend only getting a trim 1-3 times per year, and 3 times is pushing it. So what did we just learn from all my babbling on? Don't cut your hair- that's right.. moving along!
3. Massage your scalp. I'll be quite honest and admit that I didn't do this as much as I should have but I'm sure I would've had even greater results if I had. By massaging your scalp for 3 minutes at a time about twice a day, you're stimulating your blood flow which in return helps your hair grow. You can opt to use your fingertips or a hair brush.
4. Do not wash your hair everyday! I think most of us know the cardinal rule of not washing our hair everyday, but not everyone follows it. The natural oils that our scalp produces are so crucial and nourishing for our both our scalp and hair! If you're not use to it start by washing your hair only every other day, if you want to take it a step further (which is better) than wash your hair every two days. I know some women complain that they simply cannot skip washes because their hair becomes one big oily mess.. trust me, I get it, but you can! You can essentially "train" your hair to not produce as many oils once you start skipping washes. I won't go much into detail on that because I will be writing a second post to go hand-in-hand with this post on how to grow your hair healthy!.. Cuz ya know I gotta do a whole 'nother post on that!
One last suggestion:
Take pictures and measurements of your hair. When I first began growing out my hair it was hard to see if there was any growth at the end of the month until I measured my hair and compared it to the previous month's measurements. At the end of the month I straightened my hair, put on an old t-shirt that I had marked by half an inch, then asked someone to make a line where my hair ended with a marker. Once I took off the t-shirt the measurements showed me how much my hair had grown in a month, that simple!
So I hope this info helped! I know it was very lengthy but I like to give as many details as possible! Like I said, I'm not a professional but this certainly did wonders for me. If you do decide to try it please do let me know how it works out for you! Good luck!
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