Welcome to How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster Tips!
Hello Lovelies and Welcome to How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster. Whether your hair is straight, wavy or curly and highly-textured you can learn how to make your hair grow faster than ever before and grow your hair to fairytale lengths.
From ancient Greece to western mythology, and now modern times, long, healthy hair has always been an instant sign of health, fertility and femininity. Have you noticed that nearly all fairytale princesses have long hair? There is a reason for that!
I’ve always been blessed with healthy medium length hair, but I always longed for even longer lengths. However, for some reason, I could never grow hair past my bra strap that was as beautiful, healthy and vibrant as my medium length hair. I tried all kinds of potions, concoctions, hair styles, any thing I could get my hands on that promised instant length. However, none of these things ever worked as they said they would, and my hair never grew past my bra strap. Frustrated with my fruitless quest for long hair, I turned to the one thing in life that never failed me when I tried to better other areas of my life, science!
I believe that once you learn the science behind something, you can master it! Once I delved into the science of hair growth, I instantly realized why I had never grown long healthy hair. I also realized I’d probably never get the long hair I always wanted if I didn’t make a change.
You see, I learned that hair isn’t just something that sits atop of your head, there is a science to our hair’s structure and to how hair grows. Most importantly, I learned that I was trying to make my hair do things that it naturally was not meant to do, which led me to discover two things.
1. While I could grow my hair to bra strap length, by making it do things it was not naturally structured to do, my hair could not thrive and grow to extreme lengths. This is why my bra strap length hair was not as healthy as my was at shorter lengths.
2. By putting my hair through extreme practices, whether it was physical practices via hairstyles or chemical practices via coloring (I‘m a former bleach addict!), I was stunting my hair’s ability to reach the fairy-tale lengths I always dreamed of as a little girl.
Messy hair
Damaged hair simply can’t grow long.
This is not to say that you cannot occasionally experiment with hair styles and chemicals to alter your hair color or texture, but when you do, you must alter your hair care practices to suit those particular changes. In my past quests for long hair, I did not have the proper hair care regimen, and when I altered my hair via color or some other medium, I was treating my hair the same old way.
If you want to grow long hair, you must develop a hair care regimen. The thing about hair care regimens is that they are not one size fits all. Everyone’s hair is different, so there isn’t a single hair care regimen you must use to grow long hair. You have to find out what practices and products work best for your head of hair. Just as important as the products and hair care practices you use, you must take your diet and everyday routine into consideration when developing a hair care regimen.
foods for hair growthYes lovelies, the foods you eat and your lifestyle all play key roles in how fast your hair grows and how much length you retain. Healthy hair starts from the inside out, and if your internal health isn’t up to par, guess what, science proves that it shows in your hair! This is precisely why the human brain has been trained for eons of years to recognize healthy hair as a sign of health. Your tresses (and fingernails) are the last parts on your body to receive nutrients from the foods you consume, and if you aren’t consuming the proper amount of nutritious foods, your hair won’t get the nutrients it needs to grow to long healthy lengths.
So why all the focus on health? With health comes length! This perhaps the most important take away from this website. With a bit of science, re-education about hair, and patience, you can learn how to make your dreams for luscious, vibrant, and healthy long hair a reality. Here, I will teach you how to assess your hair’s current condition–whether it’s experiencing breakage, extreme dryness, brittleness or chemical damage–and nurse your hair back to health and get on track to growing longer and thicker hair than you’ve ever imagined. Additionally, you will learn which foods, vitamins and nutrients are essential for hair growth and how to identify habits and routines that are keeping you from the long locks you’ve always longed for.
For starters, please check out our First Time Here section to get a rundown of the basic information you will need to build your hair care regimen. This section will help you determine your hair type and your hair’s present condition. From there, you can read up on the best practices for your hair’s type and current condition and start building your hair care regimen. You can also create your own personal journal as a means to keep track of your hair regimen and your overall hair growth goals.
hair care regimen in hair journal
Lovelies, once you achieve your long hair goals, I can guarantee you that you’ll discover that the sense of accomplishment will serve as a launch pad for success in other areas of your life. It certainly did for me.
Any wise lady knows that beauty is power, and long, healthy hair is perhaps the hallmark of our beauty arsenal.
So Let’s Get to Growing! How to make your hair grow faster
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